
                                                 Welcome to my Home Page!

                  Zaida Denise Forester

                                                                    Contact me on X:  Zaida Denise Forester @duezone

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Greetings and Welcome to my E-Portfolio!

A Brief Introduction about me! My name is Zaida Denise Forester and I am on a journey that started in the course of our global Corona-Virus (COVID-19) pandemic. I am a registered nurse who just happens to live in California. 

The overall purpose of this e-Portfolio is to present some of my workings in the health care field. I have always had an interest in technology and am looking forward to completing projects and encourage health care entities to address policies that better reflect our current global health care needs. 

Recent health care happenings have brought to the forefront the importance of  technology, in various settings.

This e-Portfolio is organized according to pages to include a home page, reflection letter, nursing comments, courses taken, leadership, and contact me.

The best way to review the e-Portfolio for readers is multi-layered. Please click on each page noted at the very top of this portfolio. You can scroll through the following pages:

Home page, Reflection Letter, Nursing Comments, Courses Taken listing some of the courses I took at UTRGV, Leadership and Contact Me 

There is no additional needed equipment as this site can be viewed with the click of a tap to review the various sections. Hoover your arrow over the selected tab for viewing. 

If you cannot access information on a pressed button it may be because the information is in a protected mode and not viewable in a public forum.

A little bit about me...

I love to travel the world, take pictures, and am a sea-woman at heart! 

I chose the banner as it is a depiction of the world and our family enjoys being together, eating, and traveling.  

If I do include a picture, I will try and include the city in which the pictures were taken throughout our family's travel journeys. 

The tiny picture in the top left hand corner was taken as our family was climbing the steps, in the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France. 

Our family thoroughly enjoyed our last visit to Europe and especially-- to many of the smaller cities, whereby we were able to visit with friends and/or family members.

My motto is, "Health and Handwashing go hand-in-hand!"

Our family motto is, "Love the world-Enjoy the life!"

My contact information is noted on the contact page.

Last updated July 2024

Z. Denise Forester

© Zaida Denise Forester 2024